Princeton University

May 14 Minutes


– All current annual graduate parking permits (residents and commuters) will be extended to September 30. The printed expiration date on them is June 30. A new virtual permit system should be deployed by late summer to issue virtual permits beginning in the fall. An email will be sent by Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) to all graduate students on this subject.– The summer TigerTransit schedules start on May 28. They are available on the website.

– TPS is considering options to facilitate feedback regarding shuttles (a ticketing system; TPS is also launching opt-in email lists for TigerTransit updates this summer.) Users will have preferences for line-specific and system-wide information so they can learn about delays and other operational issues faster. Passengers can also contact TigerTransit dispatch at 609-587-1070 ext. 1 for immediate operational issues.
– TPS is aware of the issues with buses and schedules when the Alexander Road bridge was temporarily closed and will work with us to have better information during the fall closure.

– The Zagster bikes are slowly being replaced and this should be completed before the fall.
– A new Weekend Shopper (including Woori Mart in Princeton Junction) and a new Evening Circulator (to accommodate D-bar better on weekends, etc.) are under consideration for the fall schedules.

Gardening update

The garden is in full operation, with a total of 32 gardeners. There is still space left. Interested residents can fill the online form to request a plot or can contact Mauricio directly at

The first event took place on April 21st and a second one should take place after Reunions, probably on the second or third week of June. All community members are invited.

New hoses were purchased and are now available in the garden.


Housing update

Michael Hebditch is still in the process of having the TV replaced in the building 1 common room. The possibility of relocating it on another wall of the room will be discussed.

Graduate students should have received an email regarding their contracts and housing information for the upcoming year.

If something of yours was confiscated during a fire inspection, please before June 30 to get it back.

Planning for Fall 2019

Emilce Santana is defending and leaving Princeton University in July. Amit Halevi will serve as interim president until the December elections.

In attendance:

Kevin F
Michael H
Chadi S
Mauricio L
Amit H
Emilce S
Celia C
Chris T
Richard A. G