Upcoming Game of Thrones event
The event takes place on Sunday the 14th at 7:30 pm in the building 14 common room. A reminder will be sent on the day of the event. There will be food, games, and drinks. We will also show a recap of last season.
Shopping carts
Three new carts have been purchased for the Lawrence community. Signs will be attached to them to indicate where to return them after use.
Gardening update
The registration for the garden is now open. Residents interested in signing up can do so through this link. 19 gardeners have registered as of now. Registration remains open during the summer.
A damaged water faucet was repaired by Facilities last week and the university is going to till the soil soon. The garden should open once this is completed, and the kick-off event should tentatively take place on Saturday 20th, in the morning.
There is some interest from non-gardener residents to use the garden composters. Unfortunately, the composters are not big enough to sustain the whole community and are for the garden only. Michael Hebditch noted that residential pickup for composting is being explored, but there is no time frame for now.
GSG meeting update
The new Graduate Student Government was voted in. There are no other updates.
Michael Hebditch is presently getting some quotes to replace the TV in the building 1 common room. Once a decision will be made, it will take a few weeks for delivery and installation.
Facilities and Public Safety want to remind residents that there are issues with birds and other animals entering residential buildings when people open their window screens. It is advised to keep the window screens closed. If you encounter an issue, contact Public Safety (https://publicsafety.princeton.edu/ or 609-258-3333). If your window screen is broken, contact Facilities (https://facilities.princeton.edu/).
Regarding the safety walk, a list of what is going to be submitted to the University services is being finalized.
The Stony Brook bridge is closed for emergency repairs. The anticipated reopening date is April 19th. The university shuttles are diverted to Washington Road.
If you want to report issues with the shuttle tracker, you are invited to email Charles Tennyson (ct15@princeton.edu). Joshua will talk to Charles Tennyson to see if there would be a way to call someone directly when there is an issue with a shuttle, to be informed of what is going on.
The university is also aware of the skateboards and electric scooters on campus than can generate issues and collisions. These can be reported to Public Safety.
Please note that the last meeting of the committee will take place in May. There will not be any meeting in June, July, and August.
In attendance:
Kevin F
Michael H
Joshua B
Mauricio L
Emilce S
Celia C
Chris T
Richard A. G