Princeton University

February Meeting Minutes

Lawrence Committee Meeting February 14th, 2017

  • Golf course issue
    • In response to resident complaints, the committee has written a letter to be sent to the Springdale Golf Course notifying them of the issue of stray golf balls entering the apartment complex.
    • Sam will send a physical copy of letter and Katja will email the letter as well.

Events Planning:

  • Bake off
  • The second social event of the semester will be a bake off held in April.
  • There may be different categories, depending on how many people sign up. One idea is a kids baking category.
  • Residents will be notified about two weeks before the event to sign up
  • Oscar awards show screening
    • The first social event of the semester will be an Oscar awards show screening on Sunday, February 26.
    • The event will feature popcorn, candy, snacks, and drinks. Possibly we will provide scorecards for people to guess winners within each category and give out prizes for correct guesses.
    • Event will be advertised at least a week in advance.

Yoga class:

  • The committee has received funds from the Graduate School to host spring yoga classes. The classes are planned to begin indoors after Spring Break and then to move outdoors when the weather is nice enough.
  • We need to confirm instructor availability
    • Send instructor email regarding dates/times.


  • The garden sign ups for next spring’s garden season will begin sometime in March. Sam will put up posters re: sign up for gardening.

Lakeside/Lawrence Shuttle:

  • Recent change to bus schedule where after 5:30pm, the bus runs only every half hour instead of every 15 minutes
  • Some residents have complained that the buses and very crowded because of this.
  • The committee will bring this issue to the attention of appropriate parties.

Excessive doorbell ringing Building 10:

  • Some residents have reported that unknown individuals are repeatedly ringing doorbells to request entrance to Building 10. It is a safety concern if residents are buzzing in unknown individuals.
  • It is likely that these individuals are trying to access the laundry rooms, though Laundry is only for residents of Lawrence Apartments (who all have keys).
  • The committee will post signs reminding residents of buildings with laundry rooms to please exercise their best judgment when buzzing people into the apartment.

Sustainable energy provider:

  • A resident asked if the Lawrence website could be updated with information about using sustainable energy providers in addition to PSE&G. Housing has read the proposed text but raised some issues about the list of sustainable providers provided by the student.
  • The committee is still working to finalize the text for the website.