Princeton University

Inter-Resident Conflict at Lawrence

Recently, the Lawrence Committee has received complaints from residents regarding disturbances from neighbors — including smoking indoors and excessively partying late at night — which were in direct violation of University policy. In the interest of maintaining a healthy campus community, the Committee has included some information below on solving inter-resident conflicts.

Get to know your neighbors. Safely introduce yourself and establish rapport with the neighbors that live around you so that you can understand their needs and so they can understand yours. If you’re comfortable doing so, exchange contact information. You may want to discuss your academic schedules, noise levels and other things that can affect relationships between neighbors while living, studying and working from home.

Be proactive. Take the first step. Taking initiative to openly and honestly discuss concerns in a respectful way with others can help facilitate solutions to problems and quickly resolve conflicts. Please consider whether your concern could be ameliorated through a direct conversation rather than the involvement of Public Safety or administration. While Public Safety is committed to supporting the Princeton community in safety and respect, please consider that the threat of calling authorities or law enforcement may be interpreted as an intimidation tactic particularly against Black and other communities of color across the United States.

We all, as a community, should be conscious of not reproducing those dynamics on campus. If you need guidance on how to address a conflict with people you care about, check out the Calling In/Calling Out tips from UMatter here: Calling Out/In Disrespect | UMatter (

Reporting Violations. While we expect all students to openly and honestly discuss issues and concerns directly with members of your community first before getting others involved, please know that you have the following options for reporting violations:

  • Public Safety: If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 911 from any phone on campus to get in touch with Public Safety.
    • For general questions or inquiries, or to report a violation of University-policy related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can connect with Public Safety through their non-emergency number at 609-258-1000. Public Safety’s approach is to first educate and encourage the Princeton community to follow guidance, not to document or arrest anyone for violating policy.
  • EthicsPoint Hotline: If you would prefer to be anonymous or wish to make a formal reports, use the EthicsPoint hotline by submitting an online report or calling toll-free 866-478-9804.