2017-2021 Minutes

May 8 Meeting Minutes

The May meeting was the last of the 2017-2018 academic year. The Lawrence Committee does not meet over the summer and will reconvene on September 11, 2018.

Special election for garden coordinator:
Mauricio Loyola is elected to be the new garden coordinator. Welcome Mauricio!

Nicole Barkley (assistant dean for student life) and Michael Hebditch (graduate office assistant for housing) gave updates on new graduate school Lawrence coordinator recruitment and other logistic issues pertaining to move out and the coming academic year.

Social event:
Discussed ideas for the next social event, including organizing a brunch or ice cream social, and the possibility of holding a one-time yoga event on the lawn open to all residents and spouses.

In Attendance:
Sarah James
Emilce Santana
Amitesh Datta
Ran Zhang
Ruth Dannenfelser
Mauricio Loyola
Michael Hebditch
Nicole Barkley