2012-2016 Minutes

December Meeting Minutes


  • Each candidate presented a statement of up to 90 seconds in length
  • Voting was conducted by secret ballot


  • President: Sarah James
  • Vice President: Burcin Cakir
  • Secretary: Katya Hyvarinen
  • Social Chair: Emilce Santana
  • Webmaster: Julia Wittes
  • Garden Coordinator: Sam Richter
  • GSG Rep: Xiaoyu Tang

Chris Warkala from Housing and Real Estate Services

  • New move-out policy
    • Currently, if one resident of a multi-room apartment moves out, their room is not repainted and cleaned before a new resident moves in.
      • Problem: The last resident to leave a multi-room apartment gets caught with all of the charges for any damage to the apartment by any resident.
    • Starting next semester, if one resident leaves, there will be an inspection and cleaning before the new resident arrives. Also, any resident moving in to a unit will get a room condition form.
    • Question: sometimes the new resident needs to move in on a particular date and can’t be flexible (ie. previous lease ending at the same time as the new one begins.) Can you work with those students so they won’t have a gap in their housing due to the inspection / cleaning process?
      • A: Yes
    • Water quality testing at Lawrence
      • All tests were okay, with any contaminants below the regulatory levels set by the EPA.
      • The test results in full will be posted to the EHS website by the end of the year.
    • Installation of lights along Alexander Road
      • 16 lights are being installed by the University along Alexander Road between Lawrence Drive and Faculty Road. They should be installed by the end of January.
    • Raining golf balls in Lawrence from Springdale golf course
      • Chris advises that the committee compose a letter to the golf course about the problem and he can pass it along.
    • Renewable energy sources
      • A Lawrence resident reports that he was able to switch from PSE&G power to a Green energy provider.