Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – November Meeting Minutes

At our meeting on 11/15/06, we discussed the following:

  1. The next meeting will be in the high-rise community room, Dec. 10,
    at 8:30pm.

  2. Patty Smith attended our meeting and discussed several things:
    • Major maintenance requests: a second bike shelter for new lawrence
      is still “alive,” but the funding had to be reallocated last year
      due to unexpected systems failures on campus.

    • There is expected to be some landscaping around new lawrence
      sometime soon

    • Outdoor furniture is under consideration as a major maintenance

    • Dave Young is working on getting more grills and some picnic tables
      for the complex

    • There will be a new grad manager, a position that has been vacant for
      2 yrs

    • Patty managed to get the high-rise outgoing mailbox going

    • We discussed some issues with intrusive entries into apartments
      without proper notification, recently with the CO monitor
      maintenance and earlier with OIT and the installation of
      wireless. Unfortunately, OIT will have to cut holes in the walls of
      the lowrise apts *again* b/c they didn’t do the job properly at
  3. There have finally been some lines painted in front of the
    high-rise to designate a no-parking zone. We requested better signage
    there as well.

  4. Patty said that there is still a major maintenance request under
    consideration to move the bike racks at New Lawrence from in front of
    people’s windows.

  5. The crosswalks are in for the new road to the golf course, but the
    signage is to come.

  6. Housing is reviewing the “no children in the high-rise”
    policy. Thank you, Katie.

  7. Tamas noted that the fire safety policy for Lawrence on the
    internet expired in 2004. This has been brought to Patty’s attention.

  8. We planned a wine and cheese for Thurs. Nov. 16, which went off