Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – April Meeting Minutes

Minutes for April 18, 2007 Meeting:

  1. May meeting is set for May 16, Wednesday 8:30PM.
  2. Philipp Sadowski assumes the position of Social Chair.
    Kim Tu assumes the position of Vice President
    Charles Lu assumes the position of Recording Secretary.

  3. Garden Plot – Map of Garden Plot are up for people to sign up (The
    garden map is located on the bulletin board outside the community
    room in building 14). Still need wood chips and mulch, will be
    delivered soon.

  4. There are problems about the reliability of the mailing list. Not everyone
    was able to get all the emails. OIT has been working on the issue. The
    new mailing list still needs to be tested

  5. It was agreed that only the President and V.P. will have the authority
    to send emails to the Lawrence mailing list.

  6. Carbon Monoxide Level – Concerns were raised about the fact that not
    everyone living in the Lawerence Apartments got the message about
    the result of the carbon monoxide level/test. The housing authority
    refused to tell the Lawerence Committee about the CO level. Later it
    was revealed that the CO level was very low and well within the safe

  7. Housing Policy – Concerns were raised about lack of clear policy in
    the following area

    1. Pets – Housing Office noticed a lot of cats in the Lawrence apartment.
      Although no pets are allowed in Lawerence Apartments,the
      housing office still ask about the pets on housing application.
      The housing office insist that it is purely for statistical purpose.

    2. Occupancy – The housing office is still examining the occupancy policy.
      There is currently a lack of clear guideline regarding the maximum limit
      on the number of people allowed to live in various units. Also housing
      office has decided to not allow young infant to live in the high rise.
      The issue is far from resolved and hopefully this issue will be brought
      up in the next GSG meeting. Stay tuned.
  8. Trash – Emails were sent out concerning people not place their trash
    in the dumpster. Mark Bianchi sent another memo earlier this week. Hopefully
    this will make the residents aware that leaving garbage outside of the
    dumpster will encourage rodent infestation.

  9. Concerns were raised that the cable in the common room of New Lawerence was not
    getting enough channels. Tara volunteered to contact Patriot Media for
    more information.

  10. Road signs for the access road to the clubhouse will be posted in the near future.
  11. New Carbon Monoxide detectors will be installed in early May for the
    New Lawrence Apartments.

  12. Sand and other things in the playground will need to be replaced.
  13. Grass Cutting has begun. It is important not to leave toys or other
    items in the grassy area.

  14. The budget for spring social event stands at around $400. It was decided
    that the next social event will be an ice cream/fruit picnic. People are
    encouraged to bring their own favorite meat. Grills will be provided.
    The tentative date will be on Wednesday 5/16/07 at 6PM. More information
    will be made available in the coming weeks.