2024 Minutes

Lawrence Committee January 2024 Meeting Minutes

At 5:30 PM on January 8, the Lawrence Committee held a monthly Town Hall meeting over Zoom. The following are the minutes of that meeting.

  • The Committee recently received a small amount of additional funding for events that include undergraduates living in Lawrence. Look out for events in the upcoming semester.
    • The Committee encourages all residents who are not on the Lawrence resident listserv to join the Lawrence spouse and family listserv. The Committee sends out all of its communications to both listservs to ensure that all residents can stay up-to-date on relevant news. Instructions in how to sign up can be found here.
  • The Committee has been in conversation with Princeton Transportation and Parking Services (TPS) to discuss issues at Lawrence, including:
    • Repainting the parking lines in Summer 2024,
    • Working to remove abandoned vehicles from the Lawrence lots,
    • Removing Facilities vehicles from the Lawrence lots to free up a lot of parking spaces, especially in the lower lot.
  • The Committee would like to remind residents that they are not allowed to park their vehicle on the curb between the dumpster and building 8. This space is for emergency vehicles, garbage trucks, and Facilities only. A safety issue is created when residents leave their car there. Additionally, we would like to remind residents that they are required to display the appropriate placard and/or license to park in the accessible parking spots.
  • Committee members in attendance: Hannah, Hassan, Michelle, Kimmie, Harry, Jack, Katie, and Amber.