Dear Lawrence residents,
At 4:30 PM on March 14, the Lawrence Committee held a monthly Town Hall meeting over Zoom. The following are the minutes of that meeting.
- Small updates are planned for the Lawrence common rooms. During these updates, the public bathrooms will be designated as gender neutral.
- The Committee has noticed an increase in resident emails about pests throughout Lawrence. If you have pests in your apartment, you should contact Facilities. The Facilities website can be found here:
- If your request isn’t responded to within a week, we recommend following up with Facilities. If you still have trouble getting help after following up, contact the Housing Office.
- The Committee is holding an election for a new Garden Events Manager. Residents should have received an email with instructions on how to vote.
- If you are student: vote here.
- If you are not a student: please email Amber Serrano directly at stating your vote, your name, and your residential assignment (i.e., building and apartment).
- The election will close on Friday, April 5 at 11:59pm.
- The Lawrence Committee has received funding from the University for a new greenhouse for the Lawrence garden. Please look out for future emails about garden events.
- Graduate Student Appreciation Week is April 1-5. Please see the attached flyer for information on events throughout the week.
- Committee members in attendance: Hannah, Hassan, Josh, Amber, Michelle, Katie, Harry, Claire, and Kimmie.
The Lawrence Committee