2023 Minutes

April 2023 Lawrence Committee Minutes

At 4:30 PM on April 11, the Lawrence Committee held a monthly Town Hall meeting over Zoom. The following are the minutes of that meeting.

  • The Committee finalized a summary of the results of the Lawrence Community Survey that was administered in January. Residents should have received an email with a brief summary of those results including the steps the Committee has taken thus far to address resident concerns.
  • The Committee discussed a recent incident of package theft. Residents should have also recently received an email outlining the events that took place and steps residents can take mitigate these occurrences in the future as well as create a stronger sense of community.
  • The Committee discussed possible ways to reduce waste during the move out process. As the end of the year approaches, look out for communications from the Committee on how to minimize waste when moving out. The Committee will share more information soon.
  • On Saturday, April 29, the Committee will be organizing a bird watching walk in the Institute for Advanced Study woods. Residents should have received an email with details. There will be two walking groups — one for adults and one for families with children. Both groups will meet at 10am at the picnic tables behind Lawrence 4. 
  • Committee members in attendance: Hannah, Hassan, Kimmie, Liz, Josh, Harry, Mimi, and Lisa.