Dear Lawrentines,
We have two exciting events planned for you this upcoming Thursday 10/27!
The first is a mixer exclusively for Lawrence spouses and partners. If you accompanied your partner to Princeton so they could follow their dreams, we see you! Please join a community-building event hosted by the Lawrence Committee on Thursday, October 27 from 5-6pm in the common room in 1 Lawrence. Your hosts will provide food and beverages and an ice breaker activity to help people get acquainted. Spouses/partners will also be invited to join the Lawrence Spouses/Partners WhatsApp chat group.
The second is our fall bonfire, open to the community. The bonfire will be held on October 27 from 6-8 PM in the Old Lawrence Courtyard. Snacks and hot beverages will be provided. Take a break from the stress of the semester and bask in the warm glow of a bonfire with your neighbors on a crisp fall evening!
The attached flyer conveniently has information about both events — we look forward to seeing you soon!
The Lawrence Committee