2017-2021 Minutes

November 14th Lawrence Committee Meeting

Lawrence Committee Elections:

  • Voting will take place at the December meeting in person
  • We will send out an email shortly asking for volunteers to participate in the election as the Election Committee
    • The election committee is in charge of sending out the emails regarding the election itself as well as counting the ballots on the day of the election.
    • The position will require no more than a few hours work in total.

GSG Meeting Updates:

  • Discussion about changing the academic calendar so that the Fall semester ends before Winter break.
    • If students have any comments or suggestions they can contact the Graduate Student Government at
  • Public Safety updates:
    • A representative from Public safety discussed bike thefts as well as package thefts on campus.
    • Please contact Public Safety at 609-258-1000 if a package or other item belonging to you appears to have been stolen
  • United States Government tax proposal:
    • Students are encouraged to contact the GSG in regards to the recent tax proposal to give suggestions to the GSG on a response to this or comment on the proposal in general.

Garden Update:

  • Clean up and open garden event took place in October, was well attended
  • Overall this year there were 62 adult participants and 11 children
  • The Garden will be opening again in the Spring, so please stay watch for any garden emails


  • Resident brought up the possibility of Lawrence Apartments having regular compost pick up by the Township.
  • We will relay this information and see if this is a viable option for Lawrence Apartments.

Social Event Planning:

  • Saturday, December 9th
  • Brunch event at Lawrence
    • Possibly catered
    • Possibly potluck style
  • Email will be distributed once planning is complete

Road Change Issue:

  • A resident brought to our attention that Princeton Township is considering connecting Springdale Road and West Drive in order to alleviate traffic issues in town.
  • We will forward this information to the proper contact at the University

Shuttle Bus Issues:

  • Recently residents have complained that the Shuttle Bus drivers are driving too quickly or erratically.
    • This issue will be raised to the Transportation Advisory Board at the next meeting
    • If you have any complaints about Transportation please contact Charlie Tennyson at

Golf Course:

  • The committee will be drafting a letter to send to the golf course in regards to the issue of golf balls being hit near the apartment buildings.
    • The golf course has made changes over the summer and we would like to keep the dialogue open.

Traffic Light at Lawrence and Alexander:

  • Residents are complaining that the light is still slow to change
    • This issue will be raised to the Transportation Advisory Board at the meeting