Princeton University

April 2016 Committee Minutes


  • Lauren Anllo
  • Joey Vella
  • Allison Chaney
  • Sara Johnson
  • Olivia Martell
  • Xiaoyu Tang
  • Julia Wittes
  • Burcin Cakir

Topics of Discussion:

  1. BBQ Planning: Late in the Spring semester, the Lawrence Committee hosts an outdoor barbecue event for all residents. Our current social chair has one of our previous barbecue budgets to help with planning items to purchase.
    1. We would like to pick a date for the event that will allow as many graduate students as possible to attend – preferably at a time after major academic commitments have ended and before students travel
    2. The Committee plans to send out a survey to residents to vote on a date for the event, with choices being May 5th, May 12th, and May 19th. Be on the lookout for the community survey to give your input!
  1. Temporary Elections for the Fall Semester: Some of our current Lawrence Committee members may be graduating in the coming months. Once the Fall Semester arrives, the Committee will assess whether any positions are vacant, and will discuss a temporary election to fill vacant spots for the Fall semester. This election will be meant to temporarily fill spots until the yearly elections are done in December or January. Expect more information in September.
  1. Clothing Swap Event Idea: One of our residents has thought it might be a nice idea to have a clothing swap. This event would involve residents bringing gently used clothing to share with other residents. We have discussed this idea, and practical ways to make it come to fruition.
    1. Pros and Cons: This event is great for sustainability, and for building community. However, our community space is very small and may not accommodate the event. This event may need to be an outdoor activity with a rain date. Alternatively, both community rooms could be used simultaneously, if multiple residents were interested in staffing the event. In order to prevent the issue of clean up after the event, we would need to arrange for a local charity to come and collect remaining clothing on the day of the event.
    2. Possible Conjunction with GSG Furniture Drive: Every year during Reunions, the GSG hosts a Furniture Drive in one of the reunions tents. At this drive, used furniture, clothing, cooking items, etc are sold for very cheap prices. Anyone wishing to donate to the event can leave items in the tents. It is possible that instead of having a clothing swap, we could encourage residents to use the Furniture Drive. Alternatively, if the Clothing Swap were to coincide with the Furniture Drive, any leftover clothing could be taken to the Furniture Drive to be picked up by charity with the leftover Furniture Drive items.
    3. Ideas for Event Rules: In order to prevent a large quantity of items being left behind after the event, we can ask residents to sign up for the event, and to stay at the event and socialize for about an hour. If the residents’ items that they bring are not taken at the Clothing Swap, the residents who bring these items should take them back home with them. Residents can choose to bring food to share at the event, but alcohol is not permitted unless the event is staffed by someone from the University.
    4. Role for the Committee: Resident volunteers will run this event and manage set up and clean up. The Lawrence Committee will manage advertising for the event to the community.
  1. Lawrence Yoga: Lawrence Yoga has held two sessions so far. Many residents were interested in participating (>40 residents). Currently, cold weather requires that class sessions are held indoors, mandating that classes be limited in size to 10 residents. These 10 residents are randomly chosen each week from the list of interested individuals. Once the weather gets warmers, we intend to hold classes outside, and to invite all interested residents.
    1. Attendance: The first class was very well attended, but only 3 people attended the second class. The reason for low attendance was that the randomly selected individuals could not come to the class. In the event that a resident is selected to attend but is busy, this resident MUST find a substitute to attend the class, in order to be fair to the other interested residents. Hopefully, these attendance issues will improve once classes are held outside.
    2. Continuation of Yoga Next Semester?: This class is a trial. Additional funding was requested by the Lawrence Committee to see if this event would spark interest and increase community. We are hoping that the trial goes well, and if it does, we will find out how to go about obtaining this same funding next year.
  1. Garden: The garden is open, and people have signed up and received their plots. There are currently 29 plots allocated, and more room is available.
    1. Lock: The lock on the garden does not adequately keep the gate closed. Our garden coordinator will put a chain on this lock, so that it can link both doors together and prevent thefts in the garden.
    2. Gardeners from Princeton, outside Lawrence: Since more room is available in our garden, some individuals who would like to garden at Lakeside, but who cannot obtain plots, will be allowed to obtain plots in our community garden at Lawrence. It is possible that we may consider gardening requests from post docs at Princeton as well.
  1. News from the External Princeton Groups:
    1. GSG Meeting: The GSG held their annual elections. A survey was sent out asking about housing in general. This survey is very short and takes only 10 min, and is very useful. Residents should participate in the survey
    2. GHAB Meeting: There will be some updates made with the room draw process. Furthermore, new grad students may have a unified check in at the Grad College going forward.
    3. Grad Student Events: the GC Spring Formal is April 23rd, and Tiger Fest is April 30th (similar to Spring Festival)
    4. Truck Fest: This is an event in which Food Trucks park on Prospect Street. The GSG is giving out some free tickets to Graduate Students on a first come, first serve basis. Some trucks that will be present sell items such as donuts, tacos, and pizza.
    5. Community Bikes: Zagster bike share has been installed throughout the campus. One station is in Lawrence Apartments in front of Building 8.

General Reminder for Move out and Cleaning: Unfortunately, there are no community vacuums in Lawrence. If you need to borrow a vacuum, ask your neighbor! You can link up with your neighbors on Facebook, or on our Lawrence Chat listserv.


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