Princeton University

January Election Minutes

Discussed Items:

  1. Election:
    1. The election was led by Andra. All candidates verbally gave their statements, and then ID-confirmed meeting attendants were given paper ballots to vote. Once the voting time allotted was completed, Andra tallied the votes and election winners were announced.
    2. Election results:
      President: Dima Gorenshteyn
      Vice President: Burcin Cakir
      Social Chair: Allison Chaney
      Garden Coordinator: A.J. Riggs
      Webmaster: Sema Berkiten
      Secretary: Lauren Anllo
      GSG Representative: Xiaoyu Tang
    3. Following the election and the post-election meeting, new committee members mingled with former committee members to discuss their new job responsibilities.
  2. Tiger Transit Shuttles:
    1. Lawrence residents have brought up the idea of having a weekend shuttle that will take students to campus. In addition to this shuttle, students have mentioned having a shuttle that will run from Lawrence to the gym. These issues have been discussed at GSG meetings as well.
    2. Olivia has informed us that the issue of additional shuttles has been brought to the attention of Kim Jackson with Transportation previously. Kim indicated that there is not funding for any additional weekend shuttles now, but that there might be funding for shuttles in future years. A student pointed out that since the Tiger PAWW line (which went to Princeton Junction) is no longer running, the money that was used to fund that transit line could possibly be put towards other additional transit lines.
    3. Olivia has offered, if necessary, to communicate with Kim Jackson about our concerns, and to ask Kim what would be feasible in terms of additional transit lines. Once we confirm what might be feasible, we can then consider consulting with the Lawrence community about what additional lines we would want within feasible parameters.
    4. Burcin has mentioned an interview with Tiger Transit that will discuss transit issues, since currently all of transit is currently being evaluated. If this interview meeting happens, the Lawrence committee would like to either have a representative present at the meeting, or to have a statement written to the considered at the meeting.
  3. Updating the Listserv: Now that elections for the new year are complete, the committee will update the listserv. Dima will collect names of everyone on the new committee, which will then be distributed to Sema.
  4. Information for spouses of students living in Lawrence:
    1. Voting: All residents in Lawrence can vote in Lawrence elections, including spouses.
    2. E-mail communications: E-mail communications regarding Lawrence buildings (i.e. elevator repairs, facilities’ entrance into apartments, etc.) are sent directly to Princeton students in Lawrence only. Princeton students must forward these e-mail communications to non-student spouses living with them.


Xiaoyu Tang
AJ Riggs
Nathaniel Chaney
Olivia Martel
Allison Chaney
Carly Geronimo
Sema Berkiten
Burcin Cakir
Stephen Silverman
Lauren Anllo
Dima Gorenshteyn
Andra Geana