Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – January Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the January 19th, 2011 meeting of the Lawrence Committee have been posted.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 16th at 7:00pm in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.

Lawrence Committee – Election Meeting Minutes

Minutes of January 20, 2010 meeting:


Farnaz Absalan
Gonzalo Aniano
Jose Azar
Robert Cooper
Elizabeth Johnson
Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
Brooke Macnamara
Olivia Martel
Jakub Szefer
Shuwa Xu
Yavuz Yetin
Tao Yue

The following major issues were discussed:

1.    The Lawrence Committee University account currently has $547.50.
2.    Snow shovels are getting picked up and not returned. We need to encourage people to return them. For this purpose, Jakub will put a sign near the shovels asking people to return them.
3.    Recycling bins for detergent bottles have been installed in the laundry room.
4.    The issue of improving lighting near building 10 and in parking lots is being investigated. The biking area will not have more lighting.
5.    Housing is still investigating the possibility of banning indoor smoking in some buildings. They are going to try to make one of the buildings non-smoker.
6.    Trolleys get misplaced, as do dollies. From now on, carts will be labeled asking people to return them.
7.    There will be a Daily Princetonian newsbox at the shuttle stop.
8.    The election for social chair will be held on Thursday, February 24, 2010, at 7:00pm. The members of the election committee are Karin McDonald, Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu and Jose Azar. Instructions concerning deadlines and other details will be sent by email soon.
9.    A motion has been made by the committee to change the Lawrence constitution in Article III Section 3: Eligibility. Sentence two currently reads: “For a candidate to be eligible to run as a member of the Committee, the resident must have attended at least two Committee meetings (including the election meeting in which he or she is running).”
The motion is to change the sentence to read: “For a candidate to be eligible to run as a member of the Committee, the resident must have attended at least two Committee meetings within one year of the election meeting (including the election meeting in which he or she is running).”

More than one resident felt that the proposed change to the constitution is not clear enough. The committee acknowledged this concern and agreed to discuss making the wording more specific before voting on the change.

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 16th at 7:00pm in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.