Dear Residents,
There is a lot of snow and ice in our parking lot leading to treacherous conditions. Please keep in mind these helpful snow removal tips when shoveling out your cars.
Helpful Snow Removal Tips
• Completely clear parking spaces before removing your car.
This means getting down to bare pavement behind and around the car. If you do not completely clear the snow, your tires will not get traction and you may risk hitting the cars next to you.
• When shoveling please move snow to the median (grassy area separating the parking areas). This doesn’t take much more time and it is well worth the effort. It is not sufficient to pile the snow in the parking lot or behind another residents’ cars. As the season progresses, the piles accumulate making further removal more difficult. Piles in the parking lot melt during the day and freeze at night causing dangerous conditions.
• Please be considerate and always return community shovels to the buckets in the designated areas of the parking lot! It is impossible to find shovels at night when they are not returned.
Thank you,
Lawrence Committee