The minutes from the October 2010 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov 17th at 7pm in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.
Minutes of October 20th, 2010 Meeting:
1. Attendance
Jose Azar (proxy for Rafael Dix Carneiro)
Jakub Szefer
Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
Olivia Martel
Karin McDonald
Shuwa Xu
Maja Klosinska
Serdar Selamet
The following major issues were discussed:
2. Policies regarding smoking in Lawrence were discussed. As of now,
there is no official no-smoking policy. The Housing Department is
investigating changing that.
3. More snow shovels are needed.
4. More shuttles before 8am were asked.
5. The fridge in building 14 needs cleaning. A sign will be posted: “Fridge will be examined after your event”.
6. Social event: Beer and Pizza. 200 US$ for Pizza and 70 US$ for Beer and 30 US$ for soft drinks.
7. In the next meeting, we will be discussing the election date.
The next meeting will take place on November 17th at 7pm in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.