Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – January Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the January 2010 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for February 11, 2009 at 8:30PM in the community room at 14 Lawrence Drive. Elections for the 2010-11 Lawrence Committee will be held at that meeting.

   Charles Lu
   Maja Klosinska
   Olivia Martel
   Christina Hultholm
   Deniz Kilincoglu (Proxy for Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu)
   Karin McDonald
   Rafael Dix Carneiro (Proxy for Denise Kassab)
   Robert Cooper (Proxy for Steven Bergseiker)
   Shuwa Xu
   Wescheng Lian
   Jakub Szefer
   Jianhua He
   Brookes Brown
   Marina Paul
   Kevin collins
The following major issues were discussed:
1.  The Lawrence Committee University account currently has $1,502.62. The Committee’s Sovereign account currently has $745.92.
2.  Housing is studying whether to institute a non-smoking policy within Lawrence apartments. The Committee conducted an online survey and the majority of respondents voted in favor of forbidding smoking inside the Apartments. The survey results were sent to Scott Baldwin from Housing, and if approved, will mean that smoking can only take place outside of Buildings.
3.  Regarding the upcoming Lawrence Committee Elections, the election itself was postponed in December due to the lack of volunteers for the election committee. As of January 20th, there are now enough volunteers to form the election committee. Charles outlined the committee’s responsibilities. The decision on whether to allow voting by email is delegated to the election Committee. An amendment to the Constitution on how the Committee will proceed should there be no election committee volunteers was discussed and will be voted at the next Committee meeting. It was agreed that the elections will take place on February 11th, 2010 at 8:30pm.
4.  Olivia gave the following update:
    a)  The ramp is now done.
    b)  Snow shovels are getting picked up and not returned.
    c)  Trolleys get misplaced as do dollies. A sign-up mechanism for use of dollies was suggested.
5.  Christina gave the following update from the Housing policy meeting:
    a)  The smoking policy (outlined above) was discussed.
    b)  Housing is reviewing the policy for pets – at this time only pets in aquariums or cages are allowed. The possibility of allowing only animals in fish tanks was discussed
but refuted.
    c)  GSG elections are coming up.
The next meeting will take place on 2/11/10 at 8:30PM in the community room at 14 Lawrence Drive.