Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – January Meeting Minutes

Minutes for January 21, 2009 Meeting:

  1. Attendance:
    • Charles Lu
    • Maja Klosinska
    • Denise Kassab
    • Olivia Martel
    • Katie Stoltfus-Duek
    • Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
    • Steven Bergsieker
    • Karin McDonald
    • Rob Cooper
    • Christina Hultholm
  2. Charles stated the successful transition from the 2008 Committee
    to the newly elected Committee for 2009.

  3. Charles announced that the Committee’s account balance at the
    Sovereign Bank was USD 982.67 and that the names on the account
    have been changed to those of the current President Charles Lu
    and Vice-President Karin McDonald. Charles also announced that
    the account assigned to Lawrence Committee by the University
    currently has a balance of USD 1,136.97

  4. Charles reminded the Committee members that the President and
    Vice-President have the authority to send mass emails to the
    entire Lawrence Community.

  5. Charles announced the Graduate School’s final decision to allocate
    7 Housing spots for the Lawrence Committee.

  6. Christina gave updates from the GSG meeting:
    • Reinstated Housing Office’s decision over the Housing perks
      for Lawrence.

    • Regarding the new shuttle service organized by the Parking and
      Transportation Office, Christina suggested that there be a
      link in the Lawrence Community website which allows residents
      to provide feedback on the new service. The agreed
      recommendation is that residents send an email directly to with a copy to
      and Olivia Martel, Christina mentioned
      that most residents had expressed approval of the new shuttle
  7. Regarding the Lawrence website:
    • Christina suggested placing pictures of the apartments on the
      website for prospective students or those who may have
      Lawrence as their housing choice. Olivia is to speak to
      Housing regarding access to possible empty apartments in
      order to take pictures.

    • The Committee suggested looking through broken, dead-end
      links and either erasing no longer relevant information or
      updating existing information.

    • Katie suggested that the office hours of the Lawrence
      Superintendent David Young be placed on the website.

    • Steven suggested that the website’s first page have current
      announcements as well as ‘Welcome info’ for new residents.
      Charles suggested that there be a link to the website at the
      end of emails sent by the Committee. Suggestions are to be
      emailed to Steven.

    • The Garden Coordinator is to review and update the
      information available on the website regarding the Community

    • It was decided that 7 days prior to the monthly Committee
      meetings, Charles will send an email to residents which will
      include a reminder of the date, time and location of the
      month’s meeting, information on events and a link to the
      Minutes drawn from the previous month’s meeting.
  8. The Committee decided in favor of a ‘Potluck’ event to take place
    on Febraury 22nd. Sevil will prepare the posters, the event is to
    take place on a ‘sign-up’ basis and the final details will be
    decided at the next Lawrence meeting. Olivia announced she will
    be able to include the event in the weekly ‘GS Events’ email sent
    to students.

  9. Regarding laundry facilities:
    • Some residents expressed concern that a number of Building 10
      laundry machines were out of order for several days. Charles
      agreed to post signs in the Laundry rooms with David Young’s
      email and telephone number to contact should machines require

    • Some residents suggested placing ‘change machines’ in laundry
      rooms. Olivia reminded the Committee that according to
      Housing, the Lawrence Committee would be fully liable to any
      damage/malfunction/theft of the machine. Olivia is to check
      with Housing on the possibility of a card swipe system.
  10. Regarding mail delivery:
    • Some residents expressed concern over the small-sized
      mailboxes in Buildings 2-7. Although the mailboxes cannot be
      replaced, if mailboxes are broken, residents should contact
      David Young.

    • Some residents had expressed concern over theft or damage to
      USPS/UPS/Fedex deliveries which are left in the lobby of
      Building 1. Some Committee members are to talk to David Young
      over possibilities to counter the problem. In the meantime,
      Olivia reminded all that such incidents must be reported to
      Public Safety.
  11. Some residents expressed interest in obtaining cable television
    services from other vendors. Olivia announced that Housing only
    allowed for one provider.

  12. Christina suggested that future Lawrence Committee meetings begin
    at 8.00pm rather than 8.30pm. All members agreed. The next
    meeting will take place on 2/18/09 at 8:00PM in the community
    room at 1 Lawrence Drive.