Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – May Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the May 2009 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted.

Minutes for May 21, 2008 Meeting:

  1. Attendance:
    • Keren Leiby
    • Yaron Ayaleon
    • Kim Tu
    • Ye Chen
    • Philip Wood
    • Melanie Wood
    • Tamas Papp
    • Charles Lu
  2. The spring barbecue was a success with an estimated 250 people attending. After all the expense has been tallied, we
    have roughly 170 dollars left. It was decided that the remaining money will be spent on a another social before it
    expires at the end of June. After some discussion, it was decided to hold a ice cream social. The exact time has not
    been decided but it will probably be during the first week of June. Since Olivia was not present at the meeting it was
    decided to make sure that the ice cream social will not clash with other social events planned around that week.
  3. During last week’s barbecue, Yi Chen attened the GSG meeting and has the following relevant points to report:
    1. Housing Perks – The University and the facility committee are aware of the recent issues regarding the number
      of housing perks awarded by the graduate school housing to the students. Currently the changes
      to the current policy is under examination and the University promised that a new policy will
      be put in place before the next housing draw (March 2009).
    2. There will be summer assemblies for graduate students. The assemblies will be held on the first Wednesday of every
    3. The survey for the new shuttle route change has received many negative response. Most of the negative response stemmed
      from the fact that under the new route/schedule graduate students from Lawerence will be forced to transfer to get to
      certain locations on campus. As a result, the implementation of the new schedules will be delayed so further study
      can be made. As a side note, there are some good changes proposed in the new schedule. This include more shuttles for
      evenings and weekend shuttles to various shopping centers nearby.
  4. The Lawerence committee has received feedback from the constitution committee regarding the constitution-writing progress. One
    of the issue was whether any new drafts of the constitution will need to be approved by the Lawerence committee before submitting
    to the public residents for a vote. The Lawrence committee felt that the best approach would be to have the constitution committee
    submit a draft to the Lawerence commitee where it will be approved by a simple majority. Then the draft will be held to a vote
    by all the Lawrence residents. Since there are still lingering concerns about the number of housing perks as well as the number
    of positions on the Lawrence committee, it was agreed that these issues will be discussed further in September where all the
    Lawrence residents will be asked to vote on these issues.