2007-2011 Minutes

Lawrence Committee – September Meeting Minutes

Minutes for September 18, 2007 Meeting:

  1. First meeting of the fall 2007. Patrick, Charles, Philip, Tara, and Melanie Wood were
    present. Unless someone objects the meeting will take place every third Wednesday of
    each month at 8:30PM in the community room at Lawrence 1. Schedule and location of
    the meeting will be posted on the website.

  2. Issues were raised regarding posting certain information (i.e. computer access code) in FAQ
    section of the website. Since such information should only be availabe to Lawerence residents
    discussions are currently underway to figure out a way to automatically authenticate
    Lawerence residents so these private information can be made available to them and not the
    general public.

  3. Our budget for this new academic year is approximately $2076.00 In addition, GSG event board
    can also provide additonal funding if we apply for it.

  4. Next Tuesday 9/25/07 there will be a Lawerence Welcome event held in front of Building 14 at

  5. On 10/11/07 there will be a Wine and Cheese social event in front of building 14. More details
    will be posted soon.

  6. Recently Lawerence apartments was the victim of a bomb threat. Although the threat was later
    determined to be a hoax, not everyone received the email about such event. Efforts are underway
    to contact the University public safety in order to ensure that in any future emergencies all
    residents will be notified in a timely fashion.

  7. Recently, a smoke alarm went off in the Old Lawrence. Due to defective alarm, the public safety
    office never received the alarm. We have been told that the faulty alarm system in Old Lawrence
    has been replaced.

  8. Recently we have received complaints from residents of smoking in the apartment. Since the
    University permit smokin the the apartments, the best way to handle such issue is to ask the
    smokers to be considerate of their neighbors and smoke outside of the building.