Minutes for February 11, 2007 Meeting:
- March meeting is set for March 7, Wednesday 8:30pm.
- Elections:
- Jennifer will draft an email to the residents advertising that we’re accepting nominations.
- Positions open: Secretary, VP/Treasurer, Social Chair
- deadline for nominations is 3/6/07 (before next meeting)
- advertise perk well
- nominees have to attend 1 committee meeting to be eligible to run
- must be current Lawrence resident
- it is possible to nominate yourself
- Katis’s email will be used to accept nominations
- elections will be held 3/8 –3/15
- Remember as a major maintenance request: renovation of the heating system in low-rise apartments, and buzzer system in low-rises.
- Website issues have all been taken care of by Tamas.
- We residents of the high rise are still eagerly awaiting an email with more specific information about the CO warnings.
- Car accident in New Lawrence parking lot due to illegal parking: an email should have been sent to residents list to notify of the issue. We will follow up with Dave Young, and perhaps Public Safety.
- The % rent increase at Grad College is higher than % stipend increase: Katie pursued the issue with the GSG and was assured that this is only b/c Grad College is in a special category, together with undergrad dorms, and is not a general slipping of the recently fought-for policy of only increasing rent at rate of stipend increase.
- Children in high-rise: Katie is avidly pursuing the issue. The deal is now that people with kids can live in high-rise by going through the hardship application. Next step is to go to Dean Russell.
- Next event: Indian dinner from Udipi Cafe, Feb. 21, Wednesday 6:30pm. For estimated 75-80 people.
- Jennifer will order the food and pick it up.
- Katie will take care of utensils, plates, cups, et misc; and event registration.
- Tamas will advertise with signs and draft an email advertisement to be sent by Patrick or Jennifer; and will bring leftover wine.
- Ilias, Jennifer, Patrick, Katie will help with set-up and clean-up.
- There is some concern over the use of the high-rise community room and the children’s toys being out such that cleaning is difficult.