Princeton University

Elections 2009 – Nominations due February 7th!

Elections for the 2010 Lawrence Committee will be held on Thursday, February 11th. All committee positions are open to all adult residents of the Lawrence Apartments, including spouses and partners, with the following limitations:

  • Candidates must have attended at least two committee meetings. (The election itself may be counted as one of the two meetings.)
  • Candidates for president must have served on the committee for at least one term. If no candidates meet this requirement, the position is open to any resident who has attended at least 3 committee meetings.
  • Candidate for the position of GSG representative must meet the GSG’s requirements.

The committee positions are:

  • President
  • Vice president
  • Secretary
  • Social chair
  • Webmaster
  • GSG representative
  • Garden coordinator.

All committee members are responsible for planning and running committee events such as barbeques and ice cream socials. For a description of the responsibilities specific to each position, please consult the Lawrence Apartments Constitution, Article III.

The deadline for declaring your candidacy is midnight on Sunday, February 7th. You may nominate yourself or you may be nominated by someone else, in which case you have the option to accept or decline the nomination. Although you must state the position you are interested in when you declare your candidacy, you may change that position until the deadline (or at the discretion of the election committee after the deadline).* For a list of the current nominees and their statements, please consult this page.

To declare your candidacy, email the Lawrence Committee ( with your name, the position you are interested in, and, optionally, a one-paragraph statement. (You may also email your statement separately later, or choose to give no statement.) Once the election committee has verified that you are eligible for the position, your name and statement will be posted to the Lawrence website.

NOTE: The primary motivation for becoming part of the committee should be the desire to serve the Lawrence community and interact with other residents, and all elected committee members are expected to participate fully in the activities of the committee. In the interests of full disclosure: the housing department has historically provided committee members with priority in the housing draw so that they can retain their current housing. This housing perk is offered at the discretion of the housing office and they are under no obligation to continue offering it to committee members.

*This stipulation is to avoid a situation in which no one runs for one position while many people run for another one.