Princeton University

Lawrence Committee May 2024 Meeting Minutes

At 4:30 PM on May 9, the Lawrence Committee held a monthly Town Hall meeting over Zoom. The following are the minutes of that meeting.

  • The Committee is collaborating with GSG and the Office of Sustainability to implement Greening Move Out this year. A tent will be placed at Lawrence for residents to drop off items that they wish to donate and a pickup will be scheduled in the month of June.
    • Residents can also contact the Office of Sustainability to drop off items at a warehouse on Alexander Street if they are moving before a tent is set up.
  • The common rooms in Lawrence are being updated this summer and will include new carpeting, new modern furniture, and general reorganization to make the spaces more useable.
  • We would like to remind residents of several community rules:
    • Be respectful of your neighbor’s items in the laundry rooms. These are communal spaces so residents must clean up after themselves and be conscientious about using resources. If you leave your laundry in a machine long after it is done, others may politely remove your items so that they can use the machine.
    • Residents of Lawrence have been leaving bikes, shoes, and other personal belongings in the hallways of the apartment buildings in Lawrence. This is a direct fire code violation. If you have any personal items outside of your apartment, please move them inside of your apartment as soon as possible.
    • Residents must dispose of cigarette butts in the cigarette disposals; do not throw cigarette butts on the ground or in the plant beds.
  • The Housing Office would like to remind both new and returning students to look at the Housing website to make sure they are submitting the documents they need to stay in compliance with their housing contract.
  • Committee members in attendance: Hannah, Michelle, Katie, Angelique, Kimmie, Hassan, Amber, Harry, and Jack.