On Friday, September 23rd at 4 PM, the Lawrence Committee held a special meeting and passed two amendments to the Constitution via a 6-1 vote.
The main consequences of these amendments were that: 1) the Committee moved the election date up to November; 2) the Committee created a Garden Events Manager to assist the Garden Coordinator; 3) the Committee replaced the role of Vice President with Grants Manager. Additionally, some committee positions were rewritten and their duties rebalanced.
A PDF of the new constitution is attached, and an online link is available here.
There is a requirement that residents considering running for Lawrence Committee attend at least one Committee Meeting. If you plan on running for Lawrence Committee this coming year and have not yet attended a Lawrence Town Hall, please come to the October meeting on Tuesday, October 11. At this meeting, the committee will also put together the election committee. Note also that because some roles have been modified, prospective committee members should check the descriptions of all roles when thinking about running.