Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – February Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the February, 2011 meeting of the Lawrence Committee have been posted.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00pm in the community room at 14 Lawrence Drive.

Minutes of February 16, 2011 meeting:


Farnaz Absalan
Jose Azar
Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
Olivia Martel
Karin McDonald
Jakub Szefer
Yavuz Yetim
Tao Yue

The following major issues were discussed:

1.    The Lawrence Committee Sovereign account currently has
(approximately) $745. The Committee’s Graduate School account has
2.    The election for social chair will be held next week, on
Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 7:00pm. As was announced by email,
nominations started to be accepted on Monday, February 14, and they
will be accepted until Monday, February 21 at midnight (EST).
3.    Housing will provide us with around a dozen more snow shovels. We
will label them to prevent theft. They will be stored in the closet of
the Lawrence 1 common room.
4.    Smoking Policy: As discussed previously, Lawrence Building 1 will
be a non-smoking building beginning 2011-2012 (this coming school
year).  This information was noted in the Room Draw Guide last year. 
It will also be communicated again in the Room Draw Guide this year. 
There is a chance that other buildings could become non-smoking in
following years but as of right now, Lawrence Building 1 is it for now.
5.    Some buttons don’t work in the remote control of the TV set in
the common room of Lawrence 14. Housing is investigating the
possibility of replacing the TVs. In the meantime, we will get an
international remote.
6.    The laundry machines in Lawrence 14 are in the process of being repaired.
7.    As a reminder, if a laundry machine is broken, please report it to facilities.
8.    We are discussing closing the Committee’s Sovereign account. We are considering ideas on how to use these funds this year.

The next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 24th at 7:00pm in the Activity Room of building 14.