President – Harry Fetsch
Grants Manager – Carolina Figueiredo
Secretary – Jack Draney
Social Chair – Chloe Wheeler
External Relations Delegate – Katie Wu
Facilities Manager – Sebastian Guarda
Garden Coordinator – Kimmie Sabsay
Garden Events Manager – Angelique Sayler
Responsibilities & Privileges
The Lawrence Committee is an elected body of apartment residents that acts as a collective advocacy and oversight body for the needs of the Lawrence community. The committee performs duties such as interfacing with the University Administration, advocating for the needs of the community (in terms of relevant housing, transportation, etc. issues), responding to requests from residents, and organizing social events for the apartment complex. In order to ensure they remain Lawrence residents while on the committee, each committee member receives housing priority.
The Lawrence Committee Meets on the second Thursday of every month at 4PM on Zoom.
The Lawrence Committee’s Constitution was revised in October, 2023. You can access the constitution here.
There are two basic requirements to run for the Lawrence Committee: (1) the candidate must be a resident of Lawrence (i.e., nonstudent residents, such as spouses, are eligible, except for certain positions; see below). (2) the resident must have attended at least one monthly Lawrence Committee meeting within one calendar year of the election date. Please note: Merely attending a previous election within the past 12 months does not apply and does not fulfill the meeting requirement. If no candidate meets this requirement, then candidates who have not attended a meeting are eligible to run.
Positions and extra requirements are below:
- President – Has served for at least one term on the Lawrence Committee, if no candidate meets the requirement then someone who has been to at least three committee meetings. Must be graduate student.
- Grants Manager – Must be graduate student.
- Secretary
- Social chair
- Facilities Manager
- External Relations Delegate – Must be graduate student
- Garden Coordinator
- Garden Events Manager
NOTE: For responsibilities and details on eligibility criteria refer to the constitution, Article III. Additionally, per University policy, the President, Grants Manager, and External Relations Delegate must be current graduate students.