2007-2011 Minutes

Lawrence Committee – May Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the May 2010 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted.

Lawrence Committee Meeting – May 19, 2010

Individuals Present:
Maya Klosinska
Shuwa Xu
Christina Hultholm
Sevil Kilinoglu
Olivia Martel
Serder Selemet
Tao Yue

Garden has received 2 loads of woodchips and 3 loads of mulch
Bought lawnmower for $76
Bought some small tools
Garden almost filled up – 1 spot available.
Lawnmower and tools purchases came from revenue from gardeners.

Someone fixed the tool shed, not sure who, but it’s a good thing.

Shuwa: Website has been updated with BBQ photos.

Spent $210 on the ice cream social. Karin was given a cash advance for $300, so there will be a bit left over from that.  We purchased 6 tubs of ice cream; about half was left over. Suggestion for next year: buy less if the weather is not hot/sunny on the day of the event (weather today was in the 60s and overcast).

Christina: We spent about $637 on food for the BBQ (at Sam’s Club). Equipment rentals were $300.40 and have not yet posted to the Lawrence Account.

The GSG paid for our Sam’s Club renewal, so we have to reimburse them for this. The membership cost will be deducted against the Lawrence Committee’s account if there is any money left once all outstanding expenses have posted.

Sovereign account balance: $745.94
University account balance: $344.43

Olivia will let us know when all outstanding expenses and credits have posted to our university account. We will see how much money is left over and may use the remaining funds to buy something for the community.

Issue related to heating in Old Lawrence.  Heat is turned on until May 27th each year, so the heat in the buildings remained on despite a number of warm days. Heat is not turned off unless there are some number of days when the temperature does not fall below a set temperature.  There is a meeting set up to discuss this issue for later in the summer.