The minutes from the March 2010 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for April 21st. 2010 at 8:00PM in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.
Minutes of the March 25th, 2010 Meeting:
1. Attendance
Karin McDonald
Christina Hultholm
Maja Klosinska
Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
Serdar Selamet
Shuwa Xu
Rafael Dix Carneiro
The following major issues were discussed:
2. The Lawrence Committee Graduate School account currently has U$1,455.25. The Committee’s Sovereign account has US$745.94.
3. Maja is welcoming community members to sign up for a garden plot. If interested, please do so by emailing her at mklosins AT princeton DOT edu
4. Machines with problem in Building 10’s laundry room are expected to be repaired by mid-April.
5. The committee will organize 3 events before the Summer:
– An international cooking contest on Sunday, April 11th at 5pm
– A barbeque in the end of April
– An ice cream social in the end of May
Details are to follow.
6. An international cooking contest will take place on Sunday, April 11th at 5pm in Building 14. The committee encourages all community members to participate in either of three categories: Appetizers, Entrees and Desserts. The top 3 dishes, regradless of category will be awarded prizes. Refreshments will be served.
The next meeting will take place on April 21st at 8pm in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.