2007-2011 Minutes

Lawrence Committee – December Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the December 2009 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2009 at 8:30PM in the community room at 14 Lawrence Drive….

The minutes from the December 2009 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2009 at 8:30PM in the community room at 14 Lawrence Drive.

Minutes for December 10th, 2009 Meeting:

1. Attendance

   Charles Lu
   Maja Klosinska
   Olivia Martel
   Christina Hultholm
   Steven Bergsieker
   Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
   Karin McDonald
   Rafael Dix Carneiro (Proxy for Denise Kassab)
   Robert Cooper
The following major issues were discussed:

1.  The Lawrence Committee University account currently has $1,812.44. The Committee’s Sovereign account has remained untouched since last Meeting.

2.  Regarding events: The next event to be hosted by the Committee will take place on December 15th, 2009 at 8pm in the Community Room of Building 14. Three prizes will be awarded in the form of gift cards. Wine, water cider and soft drinks will be available.

3.  Regarding the upcoming Lawrence Committee Elections, the election itself was postponed due to the lack of volunteers for the election committee. The Committee will decide on the procedures for selecting an election committee should there not be enough volunteers. Steve will draft an ammendment to the Constitution and this ammendment will be voted in the next meeting. It was agreed that the elections will take place on February 11th, 2010 at 8:30pm.

4.  Christina gave the following update from the Housing policy meeting: The implementation of a new random room mate system was discussed. This would be applicable to students who are unable to find roommates or for those who are indifferent to the roommate they are assigned.

5.  Christina also gave an update on the GSG – the GSG is soliciting information on whether graduate students are having overcrowding and other problems with the shuttle or shuttle system. The GSG is organizing an executive committee in which some positions will be created and others eliminated.

The next meeting will take place on 1/20/10 at 8:30PM in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.