2007-2011 Minutes

Lawrence Committee – November 5 Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the November 5, 2008 committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2008 at 8:30pm….

The minutes from the November 5, 2008 committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for November 19, 2008 at 8:30pm.

Minutes for November 5, 2008 Meeting:

  1. Attendance:
    • Keren Leiby
    • Sevil Cakin Kilineoglu
    • Madeline Chen
    • Maja Klosinska
    • Rob Cooper
    • Karin Rainey McDonald
    • Kim Tu
    • Katie Stoltzfus-Dueck
    • Charles Lu
    • Christina Hultholm
    • Aurelien Fraisse
    • Tamas Papp
    • Steven Berasieker
    • Denise Kassab
    • Hilary Bergsieker
  2. Keren gave a housing meeting update regarding the future of perks. The housing office still has not reached any major decision regarding the
    future of the housing perk. At this time, they are still gathering information (i.e. duty/responsibility of people/committee who get the perks).
  3. The Housing Office has approved of our placing picture frames on the wall of Lawrence Apartments common area. There was a discussion
    on ways to pay for the cost of frames as well as encouraging students to take more pictures.
  4. Kim announced that Olivia has updated our banking accounts. Our current budget is $1682.02.
  5. The committee decided to hold another social event with a tentative date on 12/4/08. The idea that has received most vote is wine & cheese.
  6. The rest of the meeting was devoted to going over the newly revised Lawrence constitution. The entire document was reviewed and various
    suggested changes were incorporated. The revised version of the constition will be put to a vote during the next meeting, with the election
    held at the following (December meeting). The final version of the constition will be posted on the website.
  7. The next Lawrence meeting will be on 11/19/08 8:30PM at the common room in 1 Lawrence.