Princeton University

Lawrence Committee – October Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the October 2009 meeting of the Lawrence committee have been posted. The next meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2009 at 8:30PM in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.

  1. Attendance
    • Charles Lu
    • Maja Klosinska
    • Olivia Martel
    • Christina Hultholm
    • Steven Bergsieker
    • Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu
    • Karin McDonald
    • Rafael Dix Carneiro (Proxy for Denise Kassab)
    • Hani Goodarzi
    • Sivan Shklarzevsky
    • Dan Lev
    • Robert Cooper
    • Tao Yue
    • Serdar Selamet
  2. The Lawrence Committee account has received the $1,000 annual deposit from the Graduate School. There are $999 remaining in the Committee’s Sovereign account. The University’s Housing Department will no longer provide funding to the Lawrence and Butler Committees. Committees may supplement funding for events by applying to the GSG Events Board.
  3. Regarding events:
    1. The next event to be hosted by the Committee will take place on October 28th, 2009 at 6pm in the Community Room of Building 14. Children are welcome to dress up for Halloween, refreshments and doughnuts will be available.
    2. A second event will take place on the evening of December 1st, 2009. Details will be discussed at the next Committee meeting.
  4. Regarding the upcoming Lawrence Committee Elections which will take place early in December – all positions are open to Lawrence residents (students and spouses). Please refer to the Lawrence Committee’s Consitution at for details on eligibility and procedures for running for office.
  5. Tao inquired about the possibility of larger mail drop-off boxes. Olivia checked with Facilities who stated that they are looking into having either a larger drop box or larger mail boxes.
  6. Christina gave the following update from the Housing policy meeting: The University is looking into contracting a third party developper to renovate and financially manage Hibben-Maggie, with the aim to keep rents as low as possible. This will not affect Lawrence Apartments directly but may have an impact on Housing availability in the future.
  7. Olivia gave the following update: the issue of a possible card swipe system for the laundry rooms is still being discussed with Matt Ferry.
  8. Karin reminded the Lawrence Community that residents must contact Olivia Martel ( should they wish to reserve the Community rooms in Buildings 1 and 14 for any events.
  9. Sevil proposed creating a Spouses’ Group within the Lawrence Community for regular get togethers and events. The idea received a lot of support and Christina proposed to create an OIT Listserv for spouses.
  10. Sivan and Dan expressed concern over constant problems with laundry machines, which are repeatedly “out of order”. The Committee reminded residents that they must fill out a maintenance request to Housing and report the problems to Dave Young, the Lawrence Apartments’ Superintendent.
  11. Serdar expressend concern over poor heating in Lawrence Buildings 2-7. It was recommended that residents continue to place work orders to address such issues.
  12. The next meeting will take place on 11/18/09 at 8:30PM in the community room at 1 Lawrence Drive.